Let's join forces and be the change in the world that we want to see

We are looking for sponsors whose line of work or business practices are compatible with our values, and who share our vision for sustainability.

Request our Sponsorship Pack

Turn your dollars into 'good dirt' - helping native plants grow, turning waste to compost and turning one's junk to another one's treasure. Request our full Sponsorship Pack here or contact us at [email protected]. The options in the Pack act as a guide and we would love to discuss tailor-made solutions with you to achieve a win-win-win; for the environment, for you and for Kaipātiki Project.

Many ways to sponsor

Sponsorship overviewSponsorship overview 2

Your benefits

  • Brand Exposure: Corporate Social Responsibility allows you to enact positive change. Consumers are influenced by how socially responsible a company they’re dealing with is. This helps build trust, raise awareness, and encourages social change. You will be making a real impact in your communities and they will hear about it; through brand placement, story-telling, reporting and promotion. We regularly communicate with 15,000 of highly engaged households, many face-to-face through volunteering and events, social media, newsletters, websites and workshops.
  • Corporate Volunteering: Days away from the normal work environment can truly boost morale and increase team cohesiveness. A day with us certainly ticks all the boxes, while connecting with nature and giving back to the community. Team activities include working in our plant nursery, weeding, planting trees (May-Sept), learning about trapping pests as a practical field work.
  • Your Impact and Involvement – Facts, Anecdotes and Storytelling: We can provide content you can use for your internal communications, Annual Report, Investor Relations or customer engagement. This can range from impact reporting, anecdotes, imagery and video.

 Contact us to discuss sponsorship opportunities.